Hotel Vik

Hotel and Café in central Borensberg

Craving coffee or just tired. Welcome home to Hotel Vik where rooms and coffee are made with love

About us

We are a small, homely company located in the center of Borensberg.
Hotel Vik is located in a building from the 17th century and has nice old creaking wooden floors
and slightly slanted walls. In terms of the style of the rooms, we have tried to get a nice mix between
the old and the new. Most rooms have a view of the stream and from our nice outdoor dining area at the front
you can see the water which is a stone's throw away. Hotel Vik is located right next to Göta Kanal, so why not
bring a coffee and cake from our nice café to sit and watch the boats passing through the locks.

We want you to get a warm feeling when you step through our doors.

Price high season       May- September 2023

  • Suite, private bathroom with a large balcony                       fr.  1950 kr/night
  • Double room with private bathroom                                       fr.   1750 kr/night
  • Double room with private toilet  and shared shower        fr.   1650 kr/night
  • Family room with shared bathroom                                          fr.   1700 kr/night
  • Double room with shared bathroom                                         fr.  1550 kr/night
  • Single room with 140cm bed and shared bathroom         fr.   1450 kr/night
Extra bed                                                                                                         350kr/night
The prices include breakfast .  During Vätternrundan the prices are diffrent contact  us for more information.

 Price Low season Januari-April, October-December 2023

  • Suite, private bathroom with a large balcony                                        fr.  1750kr/night                 
  • Double room with  private bathroom                                                         fr.  1550 kr/night
  • Double room with private toilet  and shared shower                           fr.  1450 kr/night
  • Family room with  shared bathroom                                                            fr. 1500 kr/night
  • Double room with  shared  bathroom                                                          fr .1350 kr/night
  • Single room with 140cm bed and shared bathroom                              fr. 1250 kr/night
Extra bed                                                                                                                                  350 kr/night             
The prices include breakfast.  Prices during red bank holidays are the same as in high season

Hotel Information

We have 11 rooms. All rooms are on the second floor. At the back of the building is the entrance to the hotel, up the stairs and through the big red door is our reception. After checking in, you can re-park the car in a larger nearby parking lot.

Check-in takes place between 15-18 and check-out at 11.
The prices on our website include breakfast, but it is possible to order rooms without breakfast. Breakfast is served between 8.00 and 9.30.

Cancellation rules:

 Room cancellations must be made no later than 3 days before arrival. For larger groups of more than 6 people, the cancellation must take place no later than 7 days before arrival. Late cancellation or non-arrival will result in no refund. During the Vätternrundan, you must pay in advance and

cancel at least 10 days before, otherwise it will result in no refund. 

No Animals in our rooms!

We hope you will enjoy it!


Johanna Ek

Johanna is one of the co-owners in the company. She is passionate about the profession and has worked in hotels and restaurants for many years. This hotel and cafe is her first, which she shares with her sister.

Carina Ek

Carina is one of the co-owners in the company. She runs Guesthouse Carina in Vík south of Iceland, where she has lived for the past 20 years. But now she also owns Hotel Vik in Borensberg together with her sister Johanna.

Linnea Weidmann

Linnea is employed and together with Johanna they run Hotel Vik together. Linnea is passionate about the guests and the service. She is also a fantastic problem solver and knows a little about everything you might need in this area.

Find us


Husbyvägen 6B

59176 Borensberg

